Rat Turd Trailer
Sometimes, this life will catch you with your pants down. More often than that, your friends will catch you with your pants down. Far less often than either of those, you will get caught with your pants down on camera. Being on tour does however exponentially increase those numbers all around. A few hours prior to this fine little gem of a photo, Jonathan William McRae and I were trying desperately to catch some much needed sleep in a cold, moldy, rat turd infested trailer tucked far out of sight in the backwoods behind a little English cottage. This quaint little weekend escape was packed to the tits with the residents, three bands, and several people who showed up to partake in the shittiest party I have ever been invited to. It didn't take long for Me and Jonathan William McRae to decide we'd rather hedge our bets with the cold ass rat turd trailer in the woods. Good news is, neither of us got the Black Death. Bad news is I got caught with my pants down...by my friends...on camera.